Family Life

Pr. Kaahwa Edson

Family Ministries Director

Seventh-day Adventists are huge proponents of happy family living. The Family Ministries Department is dedicated to strengthening families through services like premarital guidance, marriage seminars, coaching for parents, and special Bible education tailored to families. The goal is to build up, enrich and celebrate families, helping each member understand the Bible to find hope and meaning in a personal relationship with Jesus. There is no better witness to the power of Jesus than a loving family that works as a team to share the Bible with others.


Vaše plamene romantického života, býk! (V zdravom zmysle slova). Mesiac v Capricorn, zobudím ťa, túži po dobrodružstve. Môžete sa zistiť na rande s niekým veľmi sexy, ale určite nie váš typ. Dajte mu šancu! V nedeľu v nedeľu Mercury vstúpi Scorpio a začne cestou prostredníctvom sféry vášho vzťahu. Teraz ste sa zamerali na posilnenie svojho vzťahu. Nové vzťahy sú lepšie začať, pretože zo kamagra na ortuť sa opäť stane retrográdne.